Raising Mentally STRONG Kids
Introduction to Raising Mentally STRONG Kids
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 1 | Introduction
The Growth Wheel
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 2 | The Growth Wheel
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 3 | R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
The Mentally STRONG Method for Kids
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 4 | The Mentally STRONG Method for Kids
Physical Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 5 | Dr. B on Physical Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 5 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Physical Development
Spiritual Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 6 | Dr. B on Spiritual Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 6 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Spiritual Development
Emotional Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 7 | Dr. B on Emotional Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 7 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Emotional Development
Communication Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 8 | Dr. B on Communication Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 8 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Communication Development
Relationship Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 9 | Dr. B on Relationship Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 9 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Relationship Development
Confidence Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 10 | Dr. B on Confidence Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 10 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Confidence Development
Moral Development
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 11 | Dr. B on Moral Development
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 11 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Moral Development
Development of Control
2 videos
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 12 | Dr. B on Development of Control
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 12 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Development of Control
Working with Kids in a Group
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 13 | Working with a Group
1 video
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 14 | Conclusion
Bonus Materials
1 video, 2 audios
Audio: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Audio Files
Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Review Videos
Audio: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Original Podcasts

Raising Mentally STRONG Kids


About this course

Raising Mentally STRONG Kids: Online Parenting Course

  • Do you want to raise Mentally STRONG Kids?
  • Do you want to teach them to think through their problems, organize their thoughts, and make choices in line with who they want to be?

Raising Mentally STRONG kids is an online course that teaches parents how to support our children’s mental health by teaching them at an early age how to overcome challenges. This course is led by Dr. Cristi Bundukamara, EdD PMHNP with a knowledgeable background in parent-led Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). By using our Mentally STRONG Method, you will learn how to help your child learn to effectively handle their emotions and behaviors while developing a newfound respect for yourself as a parent.

Sign up online today or call us if you have questions.

What to Expect

Modules will include:

  • Video Lessons in each module
  • Worksheet Downloads for Children and Adults
  • Examples of Mentally STRONG Method Sessions
  • Example of a Group Session
  • Bonus Materials


Is This Course Right for Me?

Parenting is such a rewarding and yet challenging journey. As a parent, we all struggle to keep up with our children’s mental health and often experience our own feelings of stress, anger and frustration. You may be overwhelmed and unsure of what to do to help your children navigate their own life, but you are not alone. We created this online parenting course to help every parent raise their children to be Mentally STRONG.

Sign up online today. Or call us if you have questions.

What Will I Learn?

This course is designed to help you support your children’s mental health by teaching you how to use the Mentally STRONG Method to help your kids organize their thoughts, manage their emotions and make positive life choices. You will also learn how to support them in developing healthy relationships and strong communication skills as well as overcoming feelings of sadness, fear or anxiety.

How Do I Sign Up?

You can currently register for Raising Mentally STRONG Kids on our website using the “Register Now” button above. This children’s mental health course is hosted completely online and broken down into 16 separate modules. We have created a series of video, audio and reading lessons that you can complete at your own pace. Feel free to take your time or move as quickly as you’d like. We are offering the course at a limited time introductory offer of $99 (a $360 value).

What is the Mentally STRONG Method?

Created by our founder, Dr. Cristi Bundukamara Ed.D. PMHNP, the Mentally STRONG Method is a “do it yourself” approach to understanding how past experiences and circumstances impact feelings and behaviors. This approach to children’s mental health is rooted in evidence based on theories of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and was developed by our team of experienced mental health professionals. We believe anyone can use the Mentally STRONG Method to assess their own stories and the ways in which they impact our daily lives.

Raising Mentally STRONG kids was designed to teach you how to address common issues related to your child’s emotional and physical development, such as low self-esteem, communication barriers, interpersonal relationships, and more.

Hear What Others Are Saying

“The content in the Raising Mentally STRONG Kids course is very helpful and insightful! I love the positive and realistic words part of the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. module and plan to use this with my daughter.


Dr. B uses her own experiences as examples throughout the course which helps her feel more approachable and relatable. Overall, I found it to be encouraging and pleasant to listen to!”

Marti Willett, CP of People & Culture

“Raising Mentally STRONG Kids is such as fantastic resource for busy parents everywhere! We often second-guess the way we raise and interact with our children (I know I do)- always wanting to do a better job with our conversations and helping those who are most precious to us. This course brings together a plethora of tips, tools and recommendations to help parents raise their children as individuals while ensuring that they have the skills necessary to become confident, happy and Mentally STRONG!”

Charlene Walters, MBA, Ph.D., business and branding mentor, author and TV Host


    MODULE 1
    Introduction to Raising Mentally STRONG Kids

    In this module you’ll be introduced to Dr. B and listen to a brief overview of what you will learn in this course. We do highly recommend that you purchase and follow along in the Raising Mentally STRONG Kids Book

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 1 | Introduction
    6:49 minutes
    MODULE 2
    The Growth Wheel

    In this module you’ll be introduced to the Growth Wheel, developed by Dr. Cristi Bundukamara EdD PMHNP (Dr. B). Mental health is not the absence of illness but a complete state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. The Growth Wheel is presented as a visual model that enables parents and mentors to identify ways that they might raise Mentally STRONG kids.

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 2 | The Growth Wheel
    37:28 minutes
    MODULE 3

    In this module, Dr. B presents the RESPECT acronym, a valuable guide for raising Mentally STRONG kids. The RESPECT acronym encapsulates critical principles that underlie effective parenting and child development. Dr. B starts by emphasizing that "Relationships are a priority," which is a recurring theme throughout the video. She underscores the importance of trust, love, and mutual caring in the parent-child relationship.

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 3 | R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
    19:19 minutes
    MODULE 4
    The Mentally STRONG Method for Kids

    In this module, Dr. B discusses a method for teaching kids how to develop mental strength and emotional resilience using the Mentally STRONG Method. Dr. B emphasizes the importance of adults taking care of their own mental health in order to guide children effectively. The method focuses on three key words: think, organize, and choose. It aims to teach children how to think through their problems, organize their thoughts and emotions, and make choices aligned with their values.

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 4 | The Mentally STRONG Method for Kids
    25:58 minutes
    MODULE 5
    Physical Development

    In the next modules, Dr. B initiates a series of discussions centered around the Growth Wheel, a holistic framework for nurturing Mentally STRONG children. The Growth Wheel is based on diverse theories and resources and is designed to cover various aspects of raising resilient kids. The first element under the microscope is "Physical," emphasizing the importance of physical health in child development.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 5 | Dr. B on Physical Development
    2:14 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 5 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Physical Development
    15:16 minutes
    MODULE 6
    Spiritual Development

    In this module, the focus is on fostering spiritual growth and spiritual health in the upbringing of children. Dr. B challenges the conventional approach of wanting children to believe what their parents believe and introduces the idea of nurturing a personal relationship and spiritual health.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 6 | Dr. B on Spiritual Development
    4:52 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 6 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Spiritual Development
    44:59 minutes
    MODULE 7
    Emotional Development

    In this module, Dr. B delves into the crucial topic of emotional development in children. Emphasizing the significance of love as a foundational element, Dr. B discusses the importance of allowing children to express their emotions, even when expressed inappropriately, as a means to teach them how to manage their emotions.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 7 | Dr. B on Emotional Development
    6:19 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 7 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Emotional Development
    16:33 minutes
    MODULE 8
    Communication Development

    In this module, Dr. B is back to dive into the fascinating world of communication and how to cultivate effective communication skills in children. In this video, we'll explore the delicate balance between empowering your child's voice and maintaining respectful boundaries. From the very beginning, even before words, modeling communication through touch and responsiveness is crucial. Dr. B emphasizes the importance of meeting your child's needs and creating a foundation of trust from the early stages.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 8 | Dr. B on Communication Development
    3:31 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 8 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Communication Development
    38:04 minutes
    MODULE 9
    Relationship Development

    In this module, Dr. B emphasizes the critical importance of prioritizing relationships when it comes to raising Mentally STRONG kids. She highlights that in various parenting situations where the "right" decision isn't always clear, maintaining a strong relationship with your child is the ultimate priority. Dr. B underlines the significance of cultivating individual relationships with each child, as each one is unique. Trust is the foundational element upon which strong relationships are built, and it involves caring for their needs and setting boundaries.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 9 | Dr. B on Relationship Development
    6:06 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 9 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Relationship Development
    37:11 minutes
    MODULE 10
    Confidence Development

    Join Dr. B in this module as she delves into the crucial topic of building confidence in children. In this video, we explore the initial steps to instill trust and self-knowledge in your child, essential for nurturing self-confidence. The innermost area of the wedge, Trust, emphasizes the significance of a strong parent-child relationship. Trust is the foundation on which confidence is built. Dr. B discusses the importance of communication in fostering this trust and understanding.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 10 | Dr. B on Confidence Development
    4:01 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 10 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Confidence Development
    28:05 minutes
    MODULE 11
    Moral Development

    In this module, Dr. B delves into the topic of helping children develop morals and values. The foundation of instilling morals in a child begins with creating a safe environment, especially if the child has experienced trauma or neglect in their early years. Dr. B emphasizes the importance of modeling these desired morals and values as a parent. Children learn by observing the behavior of those around them, making parental actions and interactions crucial.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 11 | Dr. B on Moral Development
    3:56 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 11 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Moral Development
    30:53 minutes
    MODULE 12
    Development of Control

    Join Dr. B in this module as she explores the vital concept of control in children's development. Control is intricately linked to emotional and physical mastery, and this video delves into how you can empower your child to take control of their emotions, bodies, and thoughts. The first step in this journey is to create a safe environment where your child can explore, both physically and emotionally.

    2 videos
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 12 | Dr. B on Development of Control
    2:26 minutes
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 12 | Mentally STRONG Method Session | Development of Control
    37:39 minutes
    MODULE 13
    Working with Kids in a Group

    In the last modules you were able to see example Mentally STRONG Method sessions with individual children. This module is a group Mentally STRONG Method session with children ages 12-15 years old. The conversation primarily revolves around addressing and understanding feelings of fear and anxiety. The participants share their personal experiences and feelings related to fear, grief, negative thoughts, and various triggers in their lives. Dr. B guides them through exercises to help identify and organize these emotions and their underlying causes.

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 13 | Working with a Group
    36:23 minutes
    MODULE 14

    You did it! You made it through a course. In this video, Dr. B will take you through the final steps of how to put this empowering approach into practice with children. The Mentally STRONG Method is all about helping kids learn how to think through their problems, organize their thoughts, and make choices in line with the kind of person they want to be. It's a powerful tool for fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.

    1 video
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 14 | Conclusion
    15:20 minutes
    MODULE 15
    Bonus Materials

    In this bonus material module, you will have access to the original podcasts that were recorded for the first Raising Mentally STRONG Kids course, the MP3's for each module and addition videos to review how to use each element of the method with kids.

    1 video, 2 audios
    Audio: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Audio Files
    Video: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Review Videos
    5:01 minutes
    Audio: Raising Mentally STRONG Kids | Module 15 | Bonus Materials | Original Podcasts
    3 hours

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